Dexter Morgan, America's favourite serial killer.

Ever wondered why a serial killer like Dexter got such a huge fan base? What separates Dexter from other serial killers? Why he is the way he is? With that being said, let's dive deep into the darkest life of Dexter.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with Dexter, Dexter Morgan is a forensic blood spatter analyst by day and a bloodthirsty serial killer by night. So what makes him special, you might ask? One reason for Dexter's popularity is the way the show subverts expectations. Rather than portraying the typical  "serial killer as villain"  trope, "Dexter" makes the protagonist a killer, giving audiences a new and unique perspective on the genre. Ofcourse there is no Dexter without Michael C.Hall. He conveys Dexter's internal struggles and adds depth to the character, making him more relatable and compelling to audiences. Unlike every other serial killer who chooses their victims randomly, Dexter only kills those that deserve it. He has certain rules and only kills those that fit the "code". In simple terms, he's the judge, the jury, and the executioner.

Even though he's a murderer, we the audience are made to sympathize with Dexter due to his strict moral code and his struggles to reconcile his violent tendencies with his desire to lead a normal life. Additionally, Dexter's killings are depicted as almost vigilante justice making him a sympathetic figure. Throughout the series Dexter is shown to be struggling with the duality of his nature, he is depicted as a charismatic and likeable individual with a strong sense of morality. At the same time he's also a remorseless killer trying to control his violent tendencies.

Dexter can be said to be a psychopath as he exhibits traits such as lack of empathy, guilt or remorse. Dexter's urge to kill is fuelled by his desire to rid the world of criminals. As the series progresses we are torn between rooting for Dexter and being repulsed by his actions making him a complex character who embodies both the traits of a hero and a villain. This duality of characters has earned him a place in the pantheon of television's most iconic character. Whether he's seen as a hero or a monster, there is no denying that Dexter Morgan is a character who will be remembered for the years to come.

One of the reasons why Dexter is such a popular character is because of the show's ability to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. The show is filled with suspense, twists, and turns, making it impossible to predict what will happen next. Throughout the show, Dexter is constantly battling with his own inner demons and the enemies he has made due to his killing sprees. He is a formidable opponent who is always one step ahead, making him a thrilling and exciting character to watch.

Dexter's killing spree is driven by his "Dark Passenger", a manifestation of his inner urge to kill.Dexter constantly grapples with the question of whether he is truly a monster, or if his urge to kill is something that is innate and cannot be suppressed. Dexter's fascination with death is rooted in his traumatic childhood experience and his need to bring justice to those who have been wronged. He also sees killing as a way to gain a sense of control over his own life and emotions, as he is unable to form genuine human connections and relationships due to his emotional detachment. One of the key aspects of Dexter's character growth is his relationships with others. Throughout the series, Dexter forms close bonds with his sister, Debra, and several friends, including his coworker, Angel Batista, and his foster father, Harry Morgan. These relationships help to humanize Dexter and show that despite his emotional detachment, he is capable of forming meaningful connections with others.

The series also explores several relevant themes that have made it a cultural phenomenon. For example, the theme of justice is central to the show, as Dexter takes it upon himself to deliver justice to those who have evaded the law. The theme of good vs. evil is also prevalent, as Dexter struggles to balance his desire to do good with his urge to kill. The show also touches upon the human condition, exploring the complexities of the human psyche and the motivations that drive people to do what they do.In conclusion, Dexter Morgan remains an enduring and beloved character because of the unique blend of his charming and charismatic personality, his dark and intriguing killing spree, and the moral complexities of his character that make him both a hero and a villain.
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"Tonight's the night. It's going to happen again and again, has to happen."


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